As we all know, work-life is unpredictable. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort just to make it through the day. Work isn’t exactly the most exciting thing in the world, no matter what you do for work, you’re bound to get a bit tired and need a good “pick-me-up” to help you push through the day. Regardless of whether you work from home, a manager, or even a business owner who’s trying to build a productive company culture, there are just going to be some days that are harder to get through than others. But there are ways to give yourself an extra push during work during this midweek slump. So there are some helpful tips to do just that!

 Look into ways to make your environment more comfortable

It’s easier said than done, but if possible, try to find some ways to make the environment more physically comfortable for yourself. Sometimes the slump at work is caused thanks to a lack of comfort. This can include opening a curtain for some natural light, getting some soft deskmats for your desk, and even a new chair. So what is going to make your desk and work environment more tolerable?

Drink more coffee

Getting caffeinated may be simple, but it does work. Coffee is a beverage that has been around for centuries. It has been used to boost energy and improve one’s mood. Just try not to drink too much or else you’ll risk getting those pesky jitters.

Get more sleep

The benefits of a good night’s sleep are well-documented. It can help you lose weight, fight depression and anxiety, improve memory and even boost your intelligence! If you are struggling with sleep, here are some tips to get more restful sleep:

– Exercise regularly

– Avoid or reduce caffeine intake within 5 hours before bed

– Keep your bedroom dark and quiet

– Eliminate screens from the bedroom

Sometimes it can be hard to push through the workday because you’re so tired from the lack of sleep.

Listen to music or watch TV while at work

This is a very common practice for many people. This can be as simple as listening to music or watching TV during breaks or it can be something more elaborate like an entire day off from work. Just make sure this doesn’t get in the way of being productive at work.

Take a short break and get fresh air

When you are working in front of a screen all day, it is important to take a break and get some fresh air. Even though we are living in the digital age, there is still nothing like the feeling of being outside. It’s so important to know that breaks are a good thing and they even have the potential to boost productivity.

Try something new and different at work the next day

Maybe you’re looking for a push at work because you feel as if you’re stuck in a rut. This can happen, especially if you’re going the same thing over and over at work. Redundancy is never good for anyone. While it’s not always easy breaking out the cycle some ideas for changes can include

– Asking for new responsibilities

– Going out for lunch with coworkers

– Trying a new type of coffee or drink

– Introducing yourself to a colleague you haven’t met before

While these are simple, sometimes all you need is a small change to get back on track.