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Cyber Geek Girl is a blogger and writer who has been through many challenges in life, but is still here to tell the tale!

She loves technology, gadgets, cyber security, writing, heavy metal music, writing and her GSD/Husky cross dog. This blog is a window to her world.and she can be contacted via

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First Time Managing Your Own Finances? Here Are Some Tips

First Time Managing Your Own Finances? Here Are Some Tips

Are you about to start managing your own finances for the first time? It can be scary, right? This is not something that they teach you to do in school, they just expect you to be able to do it when it comes around. Well, the time is now, but if you’re worried about...

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The Rise of Remote Work and its Benefits For Companies

The Rise of Remote Work and its Benefits For Companies

The landscape of work has shifted significantly as remote work has evolved from an option to a phenomenon that has reshaped the concept of the workplace dynamics for many companies that were previously rooted in conventional office environments are now appreciating...

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Feel the Benefit of a Fresh Pair of Eyes for Your Business

Feel the Benefit of a Fresh Pair of Eyes for Your Business

Sometimes, if you’re deciding whether to source a particular area of expertise in-house or hire externally, it can feel quite the challenge. But consider the benefits of bringing in a professional from outside your organisation: Have new eyes on a problem External...

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Contact me if you would like to collaborate with me, ask me to be a guest blogger for you or just to let me know if you enjoy my blog!

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