Your brand is everything. It’s the image of your business, and it’s the main message you’re trying to send to the market. It’s how you draw people in, and it’s very much representative of you as a business. And that means your brand name needs to be memorable!
It needs to be something people keep in mind when they think of a service like yours, and it needs to roll off the tongue as easy as an everyday, household name. Work well enough at it and you could one day actually become one! So, in the interests of making your brand stand out from the crowd, here are the factors that make a brand name most memorable.
A Good Sound Flow
The way your brand name sounds is key to making a success out of it. AFter all, people want to be able to pronounce it, for one, and they want it to sound good in their mouths, for another. Now, this set of rules can make up some very creative and out of the box names, but let’s examine this a little closer.
Depending on your native language, or the native language of where you’re selling, your brand name needs to change to suit its surroundings. Similarly, the use of stand out letters is important: the letter j, or k, or x, or z, are all high profile letters, simply because they’re not used a lot!
A Physical Reminder
Of course, some people are going to be more forgetful than others, especially if they’ve got a lot to do. And when you come across people like this, usually during those all important networking events, you’re going to have to present them with a physical reminder of your brand.
Now, there’s multiple ways to do this. Most people opt for a business card, but that’s not your only option, and you have the chance to be more creative here. You can provide them with a link to your business website, or you could use a service like StressFreePrint and have a concise and flashy leaflet to hand out whenever you need to. It’s up to you, because all these methods can work.
A Strong Feeling
Your brand name also needs to invoke an emotion; people remember feelings more than they do specific events or conversations, because feelings are so much more powerful. They linger, and they cause a response in us, and that means your brand name needs to come with a snappy message and a provocative image.
Often enough, brand names can’t stand out on their own, so it’s your marketing efforts here that are going to cause the feelings to attach to your products and services. It’s why sad adverts make us want to donate to charities, and why high energy adverts for kids toys work so well.
Your brand name has a good chance to be memorable, as long as you follow rules like those above. You need passion, power, and some feeling!