It’s fair to say that most business owners hope to have a good year of trading. This means that while the end of the calendar year isn’t the same as the end of the business year, when accounting is managed and taxes are often calculated and paid, 2025 is still a big milestone and one commercial leaders hope to hit the ground running with.

That’s before we even begin talking about the disaster of 2020 and all that brought, which became something of an omen for the decade. Don’t worry though, as we’re in the second half now, and you get to define how and why your business moves from here. As such, looking to put a vision into practice and try our best to succeed is no doubt top of your priority list.

But before diving into your 2025 marketing vision and executing the plan you may already have, it’s worth answering a few questions first. Let’s discuss what they are:

Have you thought through your PPC strategy?

Most businesses run PPC campaigns these days, but not all of them think about the story they’re telling. Your ads should follow a clear thread that connects to your wider marketing, so take a moment to look at your current PPC spend and think about what message you’re really sending. 

Here are some worthwhile questions to answer: Are you just pushing products, or are you building something people will remember? Look at your best-performing ads from 2024 and see what they have in common, because certain phrases resonated more than others, or specific images got better click-through rates. To make it easier, PPC managed services can leverage the process for you in the most optimal way.

What narrative are you building?

Many companies think about the technical aspects of the advertisements they put out, but not always the actual narrative and how it reflects on your brand. It might be that you want to bring your brand down to earth this year after focusing on a good amount of social media meme engagement in 2024, because you’re launching a new product aimed at seniors. Or maybe you want to be seen as a little more authoritative, and so use a new copywriter to help pen your strategy. Either way, thinking about the narrative and how it connects is key.

What failures can you learn from now we’re past 2024?

Every business has missteps, and 2024 probably had its share of them. You’re not alone in that at all. If you launched a product that didn’t quite land, or a marketing campaign that fell flat, now is time to learn, because these aren’t just embarrassing memories to sweep under the rug. Pull out your analytics from the past year and look for patterns in what went wrong. Sometimes failures bunch together, showing a blind spot you didn’t know you had.

Ask yourself: Were you too slow to respond to market changes? Did you misread your audience? What if that regional phrase didn’t quite match up and tanked your SEO for a local area? This way, you can learn what not to do.

With this advice, we hope you can power through into 2025 with the confidence you’ve earned.