When every person in the world can be connected through the internet, businesses across all industries are working to grab their attention. This means that if there are billions of businesses worldwide, then there will be billions of websites all vying for the attention of their target audiences.

The birth of the internet created another platform for businesses to market their products and services without the usual costs of traditional marketing. Since the internet is a free platform, businesses took advantage of the opportunity to get what they want to say out into the world.

Although this practice is not a problem on its own, it can be difficult for the intended audience to actually receive the messages created for them because the internet is oversaturated with content. This is why the game-changing practice of search engine optimization (SEO) quickly took the world by storm.

Nowadays, no business existing in the digital sphere can get by without implementing at least one or two SEO strategies at a time to increase their online visibility. Those who have difficulties grasping the complexities of the practice lean on the expertise of professionals such as SEO Services Australia to keep up with their competition.

Juggling the implementation of campaigns and running an entire business can sometimes be overwhelming. A person can only carry so much weight until their knees give out. Fortunately, not all SEO strategies are complex. Here are three SEO hacks that can potentially increase your ranking in the long run:

Hack #1: Use Videos instead of Text

Most people are more compelled to watch videos rather than read lengthy articles. This is because video content uses visual imagery, sounds, music, and other elements to tell a story. While written content can deliver the same information without the theatrics, videos are more likely to catch your target audience’s attention.

Once you grab your audience’s attention and encourage them to stay on your website, the search engines can consider this as a factor for ranking. This means that your website is relevant and informative enough to engage everyday users, increasing your chances of ranking.

Having a video on your website’s homepage can do wonders for your brand. Videos are easily shareable through social media, which means that a wider audience can see your business. This is not to say that you should no longer create written content.

Hack #2: Create Long-form Content

If you were to fill your website with blogs or articles relevant to your products or services, you should consider making long-form content and short-form ones. Of course, not everyone has the time to conjure up thousands of words every day, but including long-form content posts once in a while can be beneficial to your business.

Search engines see long-form content as something that can provide value and relevant information regarding the topics that everyday users are searching for. But not everyone in your target audience will enjoy long-form texts, which is why it’s important to have variety.

Whether you do your SEO yourself or with the help of someone like this Los Angeles SEO Company, you can create long-form blog posts containing your SEO keywords at least once or twice a month, while your short-form articles are available more often. This way, your website won’t be stagnant but rather regularly abuzz with new posts and relevant information for your audience.

Hack #3: Insert Keywords into Comments

Blog posts often have comment sections so that the readers can interact with the writers. This is a good avenue to receive feedback, suggestions, or highlight points regarding the subject matter discussed. The comment section is also where you can see how far your content is reaching.

But what people don’t realize is that the comment section can be used for SEO as well. For instance, when someone leaves a comment, you can create an optimized response that answers their comment and contains a keyword or two.

The presence of keywords in both your content and comment section can increase your chances of ranking higher on the results page. This is not to say that you should only respond with keywords because they have to fit naturally with the rest of your comments.

Using SEO is a good way to make your website stand out among the crowd. However, because almost all businesses are knowledgeable about SEO strategies and are probably using the same ones, you will need to get more creative with your tactics.

Inserting SEO hacks whenever you can is a smart move on your part as a business owner. It’s also more subtle than launching full-on campaigns to level the playing field with your competition. These hacks’ effect may not happen overnight, but you will be able to reap its rewards in the long run.