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Most of us dream of going to work every day and doing something that we love. But, unfortunately, many of us never find it. Even those people that do work in a job that they love don’t always feel that way. They might enjoy their jobs on the whole, but they still have bad days and times where they would rather be doing other things. Some people find that they spend their working lives jumping from one thing to another in search of that job that they will love and be able to stick with for the rest of their career happily. But they never find it, which means that they can never grow or develop. They never learn, they never work their way up, and they never have the potential to earn a good income.

In some cases, of course, it is better to move on to new things. If you’ve tried your best to make something work and it’s going nowhere, moving on can be for the best. But, jumping from one job to another in search of love, isn’t wise. Instead, you might be better trying to learn to love the job that you’ve got. 

Take Care of Yourself

Do you find it hard to enjoy work because of the negative effect it’s having on your health and wellbeing? Is it causing you unnecessary stress? Is staring at a screen all day hurting your eyes? Is sitting at your desk hurting your back? Do you eat unhealthily while you are there? Or, do you spend your mornings rushing around after a poor night’s sleep?

Make some changes like taking healthy lunches and snacks, going to bed earlier, taking a DSE course and moving or stretching regularly throughout the day and you might start to feel better, giving you a chance to enjoy your work more.

Spend Time with the Right People

A lot of people that don’t necessarily love the work that they do still enjoy being in their workplace because of the people that they work with. Look at your working day, who are you speaking to around the water cooler? Who do you enjoy spending time with? Could you make a more considerable effort to make friends at work, or to avoid negative people?

Set Goals

We often get lost at work when we’ve got no aims. We don’t know where we are going, our days feel empty and we’ve got no motivation to succeed. Sit down with your manager or supervisor to set some goals. If you work for yourself, spend some time looking at your options and making a list of things that you want to do. 

Think About What You Do Love

You might not love your whole job, but there are probably parts of it that you enjoy. Do you like the hours or flexibility? Do you enjoy working with customers? Are there specific tasks or elements of your day that you enjoy? Focus on these, and even if that doesn’t help you to enjoy your job, it gives you a list of things to look for in the next.