When you start looking at modern cinema, you’ll notice a wide variety of AI all around. From the seemingly sentient Ava in Ex Machina to the nameless work-bots in Minority Report, AI in cinema offers an expanse of ways to look at society and the human condition. It shapes the way we look at humanity and AI today.
If you really want to understand more about how cinema tends to depict AI and what features tend to sway an AI’s depiction, there’s no better way than to look at this ranking of AI in movies. What makes an AI good? What makes an AI bad? Learn more about these iconic AI and discover a little more about some of your favorite movies along the way.

Author Biography
Irene Chen is the head editor for Content Geek, which showcases interesting, inspirational, and thought-provoking content. ContentGeek.com publishes infographics and articles across a wide range of topics, sourced from a community of designers, writers, and creators.