Business owners today face a whole host of different challenges. However, there is no denying that one of the major challenges facing businesses across all industries is that of cybersecurity. From malware to phishing, there are so many different types of threats. Therefore, we need to make sure that we are doing everything in our power to protect our businesses. Considering that, let’s take a look at some of the top cybersecurity trends of 2022:

  • Network segregation – One of the main trends when it comes to cybersecurity in 2022 is network segregation. This is critical for businesses today. If you do not segregate your network, whenever someone gets access to one part of your network, they are going to be able to access all of it, meaning the damage is intensified considerably. This is why it is vital to segregate your network. 
  • Third-party assistance – We are going to see more and more businesses turn to third parties to help them with their cybersecurity measures. IT services are widely available today, and they can help businesses to get the help and assistance they require so that they are protected from the threat of a breach. After the difficult year that has passed, businesses cannot afford to face further financial losses, which would be very possible and likely if there were to operate without significant protection in place. This is where third-party assistance helps. 
  • The use of two-factor authentication will be more popular – Aside from the two trends that we have discussed so far, something else that we have already started to see become a lot more prevalent throughout 2022 is the use of two-factor authentication. For those who are unaware, this refers to the need for two pieces of information in order to enter an account, rather than simply providing a password. As well as a password, the individual could be asked for their fingerprint or to enter a code that has been sent to their mobile. This will help to reduce unauthorized access to the network, further lowering the chance of a data breach happening. Ask your web design company to add two-factor authentication to member sections on your site.
  • More training options will be available – Last but not least, there is no denying that there is a skill gap when it comes to cybersecurity at the moment. There is certainly more demand than there is supply in this industry, and this is why we are going to see more training opportunities become available, and of course, more people will end up taking up these opportunities as well. For businesses, they will be taking the chance to educate their employees about the different cybersecurity risks and how they should operate to ensure that their data is kept as safe as possible. 

So there you have it: some of the main trends that businesses are going to be employing when it comes to cybersecurity in 2022. From network segregation to outside assistance, there are a lot of different approaches that businesses and experts will be using throughout the year to fight back against the threat of cyber breaches.