Like anything, the factors that keep a business afloat can look easy from afar. We’ve all considered how we might advertise something through the use of a television ad should we ever be given the chance. We’ve all considered just what our business might be should we ever open one. But of course, the reality is much more complex that the impression you might have received to start with.

Websites can look much the same way. We immediately know the websites that feel good to use, that allow our interaction with care and forethought. By the same token, we know the frustration a website that doesn’t quite work as expected, and as norms standardized from 2019 onwards this can become even more frustrating. Most businesses offer functional websites in the modern day, meaning that those that struggle are all the more separated.

But what are the markers of successful website design? How might you focus on keeping yourself up-to-date through objective terms, not just through how you might be feeling that day? This is where you can begin to make real decisions considering your firm and its output.

We’d suggest you start with the following:

Visitor Time

Visitor time can be read one of two ways. If you find that your visitors are moving from page to page, regularly viewing content, are continually engaging with your published efforts, then it’s likely you have created a rewarding, useful and engaging website. If they spend too much time stuck on one page, or spend a little time on your website in the first place, then that might signify something needs to change. You might also compare these metrics to the average spend per login. For example, if someone is able to collect many items in their basket online and then purchase through your checkout, this can signify that your items are well signposted, that your promotions are well curated, and that the experience is relatively easy. Of course, these measurements can sometimes be defined by the user’s comfort using websites and their internet connection, but it’s still important to look at averages and how the standardized experience of your online visitors is kept.


Engagement matters. This is why you should be continually assessing your outreach rates, how many comments you might receive on helpful blog postings, or the differences between one thing and another. It might be that using your social media metrics can help you understand if a visitor has clicked from your social media profiles, or from your website to said profiles. This shows that your interlinking is successful, or if it’s gaining little engagement in the first place. Also, consider how your online storefront is handled. It might be that a well-developed search bar can even allow customers to subvert the things you’re trying to push and thus ignore your most important upselling opportunities. You might read this engagement in multiple different ways. It all depends on your goals, and what success means to you.


While you might not have impenetrable security, extremely high security is essential to foster online. Applying for online security certificates, ensuring you use HTTPS encrypted connections where possible, encouraging your customers to use secure passwords and having them update those every six months to a year, as well as allowing 2Factor Authorization to keep those accounts even more secure could all be considered cursory needs. Also, educating yourself in how to avoid DDOS attacks, how to keep your remote workers secure when connecting to your online platform, and how to best give the impression of security to new users is all essential to ensure people wish to use your website.

Branding can also come into play here. Sleek branding with excellent copywriting and a careful eye for detail can avoid the feelings of suspicion that might be unfounded, but necessary due to a sloppy display.

Professional Verification

Even if designing your website yourself, it can be extremely worthwhile to ensure that a professional looks at it, and verifies your work. Often, they will be able to suggest changes, suggest a support infrastructure or perhaps a better and more secure hosting platform you might not have considered. Using professional services such as Audana can be the best way forward when it comes to this, potentially giving you the tools to upend a mistake you may not have noticed. When the professionals are providing their measurements, it’s important to listen.

With these tips, you’re certain to design your successful website.